I can and will always recommend Laurie as a brilliant coach, a true problem solver.
Although Laurie is a coach for parents, she was able to help me with my business. I felt like I was stuck inside of my singing bowls and couldn't seem to climb out. I realised that the feelings I had about it were the same as parents have about their child. The challenges were overwhelming and I didn’t believe I knew what to do.
Laurie helped me get the traction to climb out of my singing bowls and get a new perspective. She always has the right questions to bring me to the point where I (we) could find the answers. She showed me that I had it inside of me the whole time and when you have support, you can make your dreams come true.
I’m convinced it doesn’t matter what challenges or problems you are facing, Laurie is the right person who can help you by asking the right question to move forward in the right way, you feel you want to go.
I can and will always recommend Laurie as a brilliant coach, a true problem solver.
Thank you for our time, Laurie
For more information go to Laurie Sjostrom | LinkedIn or book with Laurie here.